Synopsis: Sweeping biopic of charismatic black leader's transformation from criminal to crusader. Details his father's murder by the Ku Klux Klan, his incarceration, his embracement of the Nation of Islam and his incendiary racist speeches. His pilgrimage to Mecca softens his beliefs, but with tragic results.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There are 4 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Audio Commentary from 2005 featuring Director Spike Lee, Dickerson, Editor Barry Alexander Brown & Costume Designer Ruth E. Carter
Conversation between Lee & Writer Barry Michael Cooper
Interviews with Actor Delroy Lindo & Composer Terence Blanchard
Making-Of Program featuring Lee, Dickerson, Brown, Blanchard, Carter, Actor Denzel Washington, Filmmaker Martin Scorsese, Actor Ossie Davis, Malcolm X's Daughter Ilyasah Shabazz & others
"Malcolm X" 1972 Documentary Directed by Arnold Perl & Narrated by Actor James Earl Jones
Deleted Scenes with Introductions by Lee
Essay by Cooper, Excerpts by Lee & Washington from the 1992 Book "By Any Means Necessary: The Trials and Tribulations of the Making of Malcolm X..." & Davis's 1965 Eulogy for Malcolm X