Synopsis: A courageous and startling film, Peter Davis’ landmark documentary Hearts and Minds unflinchingly confronts the United States’ involvement in Vietnam. Using a wealth of sources—from interviews to newsreels to documentary footage of the conflict at home and abroad—Davis constructs a powerfully affecting portrait of the disastrous effects of war. Explosive, persuasive, and shocking, Hearts and Minds is an overwhelming emotional experience and the controversial winner of the 1974 Academy Award™ for Best Documentary.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Collection of over 2 hours of Davis's unused footage, including excerpts from interviews, additional excerpts from General William Westmoreland's interview, additional audio excerpts from Presidential Adviser Walt Rostow's interview & scenes from a funeral & a military hospital
Essays by Davis, Film Critic Judith Crist & Historians Robert K. Brigham, George C. Herring & Ngo Vinh Long