Synopsis: Sequel to horror favorite finds ghosts continuing pursuit of family's daughter. Though it's less suspenseful or well-written than original, this entry boasts interesting Indian mythology, good cast. Pleases horror buffs.
There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Audio Commentary with Writer/Producer Michael Grais
Audio Commentary with Poltergeist II Webmaster David Furtney
Robbie's Return – An Interview with Oliver Robins
The Spirit World – An Interview with Special Effects Designers Richard Edlund, Steve Johnson and Screaming Mad George
Ghosts of Giger – A Look at the Contributions of Artist H. R. Giger Featuring Rare Photos and Illustrations and an Interview with Giger's Friend and Agent Les Barany along with Special Effects Designer Steve Johnson, Richard Edlund and Screaming Mad George