Synopsis: Joe Collins (Burt Lancaster) schemes to break out of Westgate prison. Joe is in love with Ruth (Ann Blyth), who doesn't know he is in jail and won't consent to an operation to save her life until he is at her side Joe visualizes Ruth when looking at the pretty calendar girl in his cell. His cellmates see in the lovely lithograph their Cora (Ella Raines), Gina (Yvonne DeCarlo) or Flossie (Anita Colby). Joe's hatred of Munsey (Hume Cronyn), the cruel guard captain, grows intense as he foments trouble among the convicts for his own ends Gallagher (Charles Bickford) and his henchmen join Joe's group in an escape plan. Capt. Munsey is tipped off and meets the escape attempt with machine guns…
Audio Commentary from 2007 featuring Film-Noir Specialists Alain Silver & James Ursini
Interview from 2007 with Paul Mason, Editor of "Captured by the Media: Prison Discourse in Popular Culture"
Program from 2017 on Brute Force's array of acting styles featuring Film Scholar David Bordwell
Stills Gallery
Essay by Film Critic Michael Atkinson, a 1947 Profile of Producer Mark Hellinger & Rare Correspondence between Hellinger & Production Code Adminstrator Joseph Breen over the film's content