Synopsis: In the darkest days of World War II, Hitler's armies are storming through Europe, annihilating all opposition in their path. But U.S. Colonel Barnsby (Ford) plots to strike a crippling blow to the brutal Nazi forces. To succeed, he'll need the help of the most skilled and lethal soldiers in the world: the Force 10 squad, fresh from its triumphant mission at Navarone. But when the team's plan goes awry in a firestorm of blistering battles, Barnsby and the squad's hard-driving Major Mallory (Shaw) are forced to devise a new and even more dangerous scheme to attack the Nazi war machine . . . or risk losing the rest of Europe to its awesome, destructive power.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions