Synopsis: Robert Ryan "is topnotch" starring alongside Burl Ives and Tina Louise in this "bleak and wintry western" from director Andre De Toth.
Tough-as-nails Blaise Starrett is about to face a showdown with a fellow rancher whose wife Starrett happens to be in love with. But this small-town conflict is nothing compared to what's on the horizon when outlaw Jack Bruhn and his gang ride into town. On the lam after a brutal robbery, the outlaws terrorize the townspeople and hold them captive, even as Bruhn lies dying from a bullet wound to his chest. When Starrett eventually leads the homesteaders on a trail out of harm's way, the tension explodes to an unforgettable climax. Filled with action and suspense, this is one Day you'll never forget!
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions