Synopsis: A five-year-old boy panics when he witnesses the murder of his parents by a serial killer dressed as St. Nick. Years later, when his boss forces him to dress up as Santa, a slightly unbalanced man turns into a psycho killer...
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
"Slay Bells Ring: The Story of Silent Night" - featuring interviews with Writer Michael Hickey, Co-Executive Producers Scott J. Schneid & Dennis Whitehead, Editor/Second Unit Director Michael Spence, Composer Perry Botkin & Actors Robert Brian Wilson & Linnea Quigley
Silent Night, Deadly Night Film Locations - Then & Now
Audio Commentary with Robert Brian Wilson & Scott J. Schneid
Audio Commentary with Michael Hickey, Perry Botkin, Scott J. Schneid & Michael Spence
Audio Interview with Director Charles E. Sellier Jr.