Synopsis: From comedians Paul Provenza (who directed) and Penn Jillette (half of the notorious Penn & Teller duo) comes a fascinating documentary that opens a window on the world of the working comic, offering unprecedented backstage access. The premise is simple enough: More than 100 comedians (including big-name stars and lesser-known talents) tell the same raunchy vaudeville joke more than 100 times -- with about 100 different results.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Filmmaker Commentary featuring Paul Provenza & Penn Jillette
"Aristocrats Do 'The Aristocrats'" - Highlight Reel
"Behind the Green Room Door" - Comedians tell some of their other favorite jokes
"For Johnny Carson" Clip
"Be An Aristocrat" Contest Winners
Extended Versions of the joke & additional footage of Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Stewart, Jason Alexander, Bob Saget, Sarah Silverman, Gilbert Gottfried, Lewis Black Hank Azaria, Billy the Mime & many more