Synopsis: Hoping for a simple life, Japanese family man Akira Saito moves his wife and two sons from Tokyo to Houston to open a restaurant. But beneath Akira's innocent exterior lies his secret identity as a masterfully trained ninja. When crime leader Limehouse Willie wrongfully accuses Akira of stealing a precious necklace, Willie's gang murders Akira's wife. With his mask and deadly weapons, Akira vows to destroy the syndicate responsible for his wife's death.
"Sho and Tell Part 1: Birth of a Ninja" - Exclusive Interview with Sho Kosugi, in which the star discusses the early stages of his film career, leading up to his role in Pray for Death
"Sho Kusugi on Martial Art Forms" - Archive Interview with Kusugi, including footage of his ninja demonstration from the 1985 New York premiere of Pray for Death
Sho Kusugi Trailer Gallery
Reversible Sleeve featuring Original & Newly Commissioned Artwork by Matthew Griffin