Synopsis: In an effort to avoid spending time with her father and his creepy new lover, young Gorgeous resolves to visit her aunt's remote mansion. With six of her closest friends in tow, including the musically inclined Melody and the geeky Prof, Gorgeous arrives at the estate, where supernatural events occur almost immediately. A severed head takes flight, household appliances come to life and a portrait of a cat seems to contain an evil spirit.
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Extra Features:
Constructing a "House": Video Piece featuring Interviews with Director Nobuhiko Obayashi, Story Scientist & Daughter of the Filmmaker Chigumi Obayashi, & Screenwriter Chiko Katsura
"Emotion" 1966 Experimental Film by Obayashi
New Video Appreciation by Director Ti West
Theatrical Trailer
Booklet featuring an Essay by Critic Chuck Stephens