Synopsis: At the beginning of the film the father-in-law of the protagonist dies unexpectedly of a heart attack. The remainder of the film is episodic, moving from one incident to another over the course of the three-day funeral, which is held (as is customary) in the home. These incidents contrast old ways and new ways, young and old, ritual ceremony and true feelings, often comically, but sometimes with real poignancy.
New interviews with actors Nobuko Miyamoto and Manpei Ikeuchi
Creative Marriages: Juzo Itami & Nobuko Miyamoto, a short program produced by the Criterion Channel
Commercials for Ichiroku Tart by director Juzo Itami
An essay by author Pico Iyer and, for the Blu-ray, excerpts from Itami’s 1985 book Diary of “The Funeral†and from a 2007 remembrance of Itami by actor Tsutomu Yamazaki