Synopsis: Humphrey Bogart is world-weary gangster "Mad Dog" Earle, recently released from prison, who hooks up with two young toughs for a jewel heist. But when his "final job" backfires, Earle finds himself hiding out in California's Sierra Mountains, in this classic crime drama.
New, restored 4K digital transfer, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack
Colorado Territory, director Raoul Walsh’s 1949 western remake of High Sierra
New conversation on Walsh between film programmer Dave Kehr and critic Farran Smith Nehme
The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh, a 2019 documentary by Marilyn Ann Moss
Curtains for Roy Earle, a 2003 featurette on the making of High Sierra
Bogart: Here’s Looking at You, Kid, a 1997 documentary aired on The South Bank Show
New interview with film and media historian Miriam J. Petty about actor Willie Best
New video essay featuring excerpts from a 1976 American Film Institute interview with High Sierra novelist and coscreenwriter W. R. Burnett