Synopsis: Caitlin Kramer, a woman of faith overcoming a tragic past, is one of several people who witness Douglas Helton, a well-liked public figure being assaulted in a park and dont intervene. When Douglas dies and the witnesses are outed to the public, they begin to die mysteriously. The public is largely unsympathetic, and think theyre being stalked by a person out for revenge. And there are several possible suspects; from the victims family and friendsto the dogged detective whos taken a strong interest in the case.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on November 17, 2020)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added disc on December 5, 2020)
* LegoGuy02 (Updated disc on December 22, 2024)