100: The Complete Fourth Season, The
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
Ninety-seven years after nuclear Armageddon destroyed our planet, humanity's sole survivors live on the Ark, an aging space station experiencing overpopulation and inadequate resources. When faced with difficult choices, the Ark leaders - chief medical officer Abby, Chancellor Jaha and the mysterious Kane - decide to send 100 juvenile prisoners back to Earth to test its living conditions. Among them are Clarke, Abby's bright daughter; Wells, Jaha's son; the daredevil Finn; and siblings Bellamy and Octavia. With the survival of all in their inexperienced hands,
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There are 7 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 2 additional editions of this movie in other regions
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1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
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* black6q (Added movie on September 25, 2014)
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* terbeat (Added disc on December 5, 2018)
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