Synopsis: Dr. Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is a leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a sentient machine that combines mankind's collective intelligence with true human emotion. Anti-technology extremists will kill to stop him, but their attempt forces Will to record and upload his own mind to a supercomputer to achieve transcendence. Success brings him omniscience... and nearly unstoppable power as the fate of the world rests on Will's now questionable humanity.
What Is Transcendence?: The concept of "transcendence" is discussed by cast and filmmakers as we look inside the film's exploration of Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity
Wally Pfister: A Singular Vision: Step inside the creative process of visionary director Wally Pfister to see how he juggles the dazzling, technologically advanced visuals along with guiding the cast through their intense character arcs
Guarding the Threat: Join the debate on the benefits and dangers of transcendence
The Promise of A.I.: Learn about the amazing potential of A.I. from scientists and the filmmakers