Synopsis: This acclaimed documentary is a dramatized program that was shot on the scale of a major motion picture, employing a cast of thousands, location filming and digital imagery to re-create the seven wonders as they appeared in their original glory. I.M. Pei leads a team of renowned experts who reveal how the wonders influenced modern architecture and construction design. Pierce Brosnan narrates.
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Extra Features:
What did they really look like?:
With the use of computer graphics, visual archive material and artists' conceptions, The Seven Wonders can be seen as they first appeared in their actual settings.
Alexander and The Seven Wonders:
Alexander had a strong link to all the wonders. He either saw five of them firsthand (Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse were built after his death), or he directly influenced them with his powerful personality. Ironically, and perhaps appropriately, he died in 323 BC while visiting the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Hard Hats and History:
A team of well known experts (Historians, architects, archaeologists, engineers,) including I.M. Pei's commentary on how these magnificent structures have influenced civilization throughout the centuries, even to what we create today.
The Seven Alternate Wonders:
Expanding on The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, there are seven other marvels around the globe which could qualify as "The Eighth Wonder." They are: the Parthenon, Petra, Jerusalem, The Colosseum, The Great Wall of China, The Clay Army, and Stonehenge.