Synopsis: Based oniKevin Smith's cult comedy classic, this outrageous anthology brings together every hilarious episode of Clerks: Uncensored -- including 4 never before seen anywhere! It's theicontinuing adventures of clerks Dante andiRandal, two guys just tryingito make theibest of menial labor! With constant interference from theioutlandish Jay andiSilent Bob -- follow theiclerks' wildly improbable antics from one riotous episodeito theinext! Filled with big laughs andihysterical jabs at popular culture anyone who enjoys fun, irreverent comedy won't want to miss it!
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Extra Features:
Introductions To Each Episode by Jay and Silent Bob
Audio Commentary with Executive Producers Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier and Dave Mandel, Supervising Director Chris Bailey, and Actors Brian O'Halloran, Jeff Anderson and Jason Mewes