Synopsis: Having lost her medical license in the aftermath of a family tragedy, Megan Hunt M.D. joined the medical examiners and proved herself a forensic genius. Yet even diplomatic police partner Pete Dunlop can't prevent her arrogant attitude and total disregard for any authority or social norm to cause grave aggravation all around. Still, as long as the perpetrators suffer most, the bulldozer approach pays off on the balance.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Examining The Proof - Cast, Crew And Producers Discuss The Fascinating Elements That Go Into Making Death Look Real With The Help Of Designers, Make-Up And A Team Of Medical Advisors
If Looks Could Kill - Go Behind The Scenes With Costume Designer Roberta Haze As She Dresses The Actors, Creating Looks That Kill
Body Of Goofs - Body Of Proof Blooper Reel
Disc Information:
Single Sided, Dual Layer
Single Sided, Dual Layer
Disc Audio Information:
Disc Subtitle Information:
Spanish (Espanol), French, English (Closed Caption)