Synopsis: Joseph Cotten is Baron Frankenstein, whose latest stitched-together monster goes on a murderous rampage that begins with his creator. The Baron's sultry daughter Tania (Sara Bay), a recent graduate of medical school herself, returns to the family's castle and begins work on a creature of her own, using the brain of her father's brilliant assistant and the good-looking body of the village idiot. Her resulting creation is capable of destroying the monster that killed her father and also satisfying her voracious sexual needs.
Other movie(s) found on this disc or in this box set: Nightmare Castle
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* hammerfilms (Added movie on July 29, 2006)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* brandonearly (Added disc on September 28, 2012)
* brandonearly (Updated disc on September 29, 2012)