Synopsis: In Life During Wartime, independent filmmaker Todd Solondz (Welcome To The Dollhouse) explores contemporary American existence and the nature of forgiveness with his customary dry humor and queasy precision. The film functions as a distorted mirror image of Solondz's acclaimed 1998 dark comedy Happiness, its emotionally stunted characters now groping for the possibility of change in a post-9/11 world. Happiness's grim New Jersey setting is transposed to sunny Florida, but the biggest twist is that new actors fill the roles originated in the earlier film.
Ask Todd, an audio Q&A with director Todd Solondz in which he responds to viewers' questions
Making Life During Wartime, a new documentary featuring interviews with actors Shirley Henderson, Ciaran Hinds, Allison Janney, Michael Lerner, Paul Reubens, Ally Sheedy, and Michael Kenneth Williams, as well as on-set footage
New interviews with director of photography Ed Lachman
Original theatrical trailer
Booklet featuring an essay by film critic David Sterritt