Thunderbolt and Lightfoot
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
Seven years after a daring bank robbery involving an anti-tank gun used to blow open a vault, the robbery team temporarily puts aside their mutual suspicions to repeat the crime after they are unable to find the loot from the original heist, hidden behind a school chalkboard. The hardened artilleryman and his flippant, irresponsible young sidekick are the two wild cards in the deck of jokers.
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There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region 4).
There are 7 additional editions of this movie in other regions
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1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
(224 kbps) |
2: |
German (Deutsch) |
(224 kbps) |
3: |
French |
(224 kbps) |
4: |
Italian |
(224 kbps) |
5: |
Spanish (Espanol) |
(224 kbps) |
English (Hearing Impaired), English (Hearing Impaired), French, Italian, Spanish (Espanol), Dutch (Nederlands), Swedish (Svenska), Finnish, Norwegian (Norsk), Danish (Dansk), Portuguese, Greek, Hungarian
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Bjorn_K
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