Synopsis: After embarking on a passionate affair with his evangelical neighbor's wife (Tyler), Gavin (Son's Of Anarchy's Hunnam) soon finds himself in a battle of wills that will have life or death consequences. As a nonbeliever, Gavin is lured by his lover's husband (Insidious' Wilson) to the edge of a high rise and told he has one hour to make a choice between his life or the one he loves. Without faith in an afterlife, will he be able to make a decision? It's up to police officer Hollis (Howard) to save both their lives, but the clock is ticking in this edge-of-your-seat film that will leave you gasping until the final frame.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on September 28, 2011)
* SirDonk (Updated movie on April 26, 2012)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added disc on October 1, 2011)