Synopsis: Sweeping, epic-length chronicle of Civil War battle mixes meticulously recreated battle scenes with character profiles. Fans of dramatic period pieces and wartime battle scenes enjoy this Hollywood-style action narrative.
Other movie(s) found on this disc or in this box set: Gods and Generals
There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free (Blu-ray))
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Commentary by Director/Screenwriter Ronald F. Maxwell, Cinematographer Kees Van Oostrum, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author James M.
McPherson and Military Historian Craig Symonds
3 Featurettes:
Making Gettysburg
On Location
Vintage Oscar� Nominee The Battle Of Gettysburg
Battlefield Maps
Theatrical Trailer
Gods And Generals
All-New Introduction by Executive Producer Ted Turner and Director/Screenwriter Ronald F. Maxwell
All-New Commentary by Ronald F. Maxwell and Historical Advisors Col. Keith Gibson and James I.Robertson Jr.
3 Featurettes:
Journey to the Past: The African-American Slave Experience in the Film�s Era
The Life of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
The Authenticies of the Film
Music Video: Bob Dylan�s "Cross the Green Mountain"
Theatrical Trailer
Commemorative Bronze Lincoln Coin
40-Page Photo Booklet of Civil War Artifacts and Correspondence
32-Page Booklet Extracted from Time - The Civil War: An Illustrated History
24 x 36 Two-Sided Historical Civil War Map Created by National Geographic