Synopsis: A television drama centered around a female FBI agent who is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena.
There are 7 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free (Blu-ray))
There are 5 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Audio Commentary on 'Momentum Deferred' by Jeff Pinkner's assistant Jill Risk, writers' assistants Matthew Pitts and Danielle Dispaltro, script coordinator Justin Doble and music supervisor Charles Scott, IV
Audio Commentary on 'Peter' by actors John Noble and Blair Brown
Audio Commentary on 'Brown Betty' by co-producer Tanya Swerling, co-music supervisor Billy Gottlieb, composer Chris Tilton and effects supervisor Jay Worth
Audio Commentary on 'Over There Pt. 2' by showrunners Jeff Pinkner, J.H. Wyman and Akiva Goldsman
Featurette: Analyzing the Scene (21mins)
Featurette: Beyond the Pattern: The Mythology of Fringe (27mins)