Synopsis: Twenty Years Later
This smart and suspenseful thriller scares up a bone-chilling good time with original scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis and a hot cast of hip young stars! Now the headmistress of a private school, Laurie Strode (Curtis) is still struggling with the horrifying, 20-year-old memories of the maniacal killer Michael Myers...when he suddenly reappears with a vengeance! And this Halloween, his terror will strike a whole new generation! Laurie's rebellious son (Josh Hartnett), his girlfriend (Michelle Williams), and the school security guard (LL Cool J) will become Michael's newest victims unless Laurie can conquer her greatest fears and put evi iin its place once and for all! The time has come again for youito experience the frightening fun of Halloween - the motion picture series that totally redefined terror!
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Monte723 (Updated movie on September 27, 2005)
* Bjorn_K
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* Monte723 (Updated disc on September 27, 2005)
* black6q (Updated disc on March 29, 2006)
* Bjorn_K