Synopsis: Desperate to pay off a large debt, a besieged local Narco-head (Andy Garcia), rounds up every crooked cop on his payroll to track down the financier and uncover the fortune that could save his family from a gruesome end. Also chasing the $2 billion is a retired Russian mobster, who after being swindled by the charismatic crook, dispatches a lethal mercenary team (led by Luke Goss) to bring his nemesis back dead or alive. It's also personal for the FBI task force officer (Mario Van Peebles) who let the financier slip through his fingers back in the U.S.; this agent knows that his career rides on returning to the states with the billionaire embezzler in his possession. Who will be the first to reach the most wanted man in North America? And who will be alive to tell the story?
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 6, 2010)
* SirDonk (Updated movie on December 21, 2013)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added disc on December 8, 2010)