Synopsis: Widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made, Jean Renoir’s masterpiece The Rules of the Game is a scathing critique of corrupt French society cloaked in a comedy of manners. At a weekend hunting party, amorous escapades abound among the aristocratic guests and are mirrored by the activities of the servants downstairs. The refusal of one of the guests to play by society’s rules sets off a chain of events that ends in tragedy.
Audio Commentary Written by Film Scholar Alexander Sesonske and Read by Filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich
Version Comparison: Side by Side Analysis of the Two Endings of the Film, Along with an Illustrated Study of Renoir's Shooting Script
Selected Scene Analysis by Renoir Historian Christopher Faulkner
Disc Two:
Excerpts from Jean Renoir, le patron: La Regle et l'exception (1966), a French Television Program Directed by Jacques Rivette
Part one of Jean Renoir, a two-part 1993 BBC Documentary by David Thompson, featuring reflections on Renoir from his family, friends, collaborators, and admirers.
New video essay about the film's production, release, and later reconstruction.
Jean Gaborit and Jacques Durand discuss their reconstruction and re-release of the film.
New interview with Renoir's son, Alain, an assistant cameraman on the film.
New interview with The Rules of the Game set designer Max Douy
1995 Interview with Actress Mila Parely
Written tributes to the film and Renoir by J. Hoberman, Kent Jones, Paul Schrader, Wim Wenders, and others.
Plus: a 24-page booklet featuring writings by Jean Renoir, Francois Truffaut, Henri Cartier-Bresson Tavernier, and an essay by Alexander Sesonske.