Synopsis: Margot Kidder is Danielle, a beautiful model separated from her Siamese twin, Dominique. When a hotshot reporter (Jennifer Salt) suspects Dominique of a brutal murder, she becomes dangerously ensnared in the sisters’ insidious sibling bond. A scary and stylish paean to female destructiveness, De Palma’s first foray into horror voyeurism is a stunning amalgam of split-screen effects, bloody birthday cakes, and a chilling score by frequent Hitchcock collaborator Bernard Herrmann.
Director Brian De Palma's 1973 Village Voice Essay "Murder by Moog: Scoring the Chill," on Working with Composer Bernard Herrmann (Psycho, Citizen Kane)
A 1973 Print Interview with De Palma on the Making Of Sisters
"Rare Study of Siamese Twins In Soviet," the 1966 Life Magazine Article that Inspired De Palma
Excerpts from the Original Press Book, Including Ads and Exploitation
Hundreds Of Production, Publicity, and Behind-the-Scenes Stills