Synopsis: For Yamame and Suzume, two beautiful young ninjas-in-training, the prospects of a long life are shortened dramatically when they chose the wrong Samurai to "relieve" of his wallet. Suddenly, the buxom pair find themselves caught up in a deadly game with both the life of a princess and their own at stake! But despite the overwhelming odds that face them, Yamame and Suzume have at least one trick no one's expecting inside their ninja arsenal...and they're willing to bare all their weapons in order to survive! Superstar model and actress Risa Koda (Lisa Coda) proves that the only thing more deadly than one angry female ninja is two in Twin Blades Of The Ninja!
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.