Synopsis: The gang is led by two girls who were forced to watch as the leader of the drug syndicate murdered their parents and stole their land. To take revenge they train a gang of hot biker babes to take on Mr. Tiger the bad guy. Unfortunately they lose the battle and are taken prisoner. Incarcerated in a women's prison camp, they find themselves the playthings of the camp's vicious lesbian wardress. But worse - they are to be used as guinea pigs in an experiment aimed at producing an aphrodisiac drug that will turn all women into helpless sex slaves.
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Extra Features:
Disc 1
Extensive Background Notes
History of Women in Prison Films
Disc 2
Destination: Jakarta - 70 minutes of Trailers from Rapi Films, the studio behind Virgins From Hell
Indonesian Exploitation - A special documentary on the history of Indonesian action, sex and horror movies featuring interviews with, among many others, stars Barry Prima (The Warrior), director Tjut Djalil (Lady Terminator), producer Raam Punjabi (Special Silencers)