Synopsis: Joel David Moore (Dodgeball, James Cameron's Avatar) stars with Zachary Levi (Chuck) and Amber Tamblyn (Joan Of Arcadia, The Grudge 2) in the harrowing story of a shy and possibly disturbed painter and telemarketer, his arrogant longtime friend and boss, and the carefree new co-worker whose love may offer a portrait of normalcy. But in a life scarred by dark secrets, can the truth be the most horrifying pose of all? Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Galactica co-stars in this acclaimed psychological shocker co-directed by Adam Green and Moore.
- Audio Commentary with Director Adam Green, Writer-Producer-Director-Actor Joel David Moore, Writer-Producer Jeremy Danial Boreing, Director of Photography Will Barratt, and Actors Amber Tamblyn and Zachary Levi