Synopsis: "Beware of the Blob!" One of the great cult classics, The Blob melds ’50s schlock sci-fi and teen delinquency pics even as it transcends these genres with strong performances and ingenious special effects. Made outside of Hollywood by a maverick film distributor, a crew experienced in religious and educational shorts, and a collection of theatrical talent from Philadelphia and New York, The Blob helped launch the careers of superstud Steve McQueen and composer Burt Bacharach.
Two Audio Commentaries: One by Producer Jack H. Harris and Film Historian Bruce Eder; The Other by Director Irvin S. Yeaworth, Jr. and Actor Robert ("Tony") Fields
Theatrical Trailer
BLOB-abilia!: Collector Wes Shank's Rare Trove Of Stills, Posters, Props (Including the Blob Itself!), and Other Ephemera