Synopsis: Jessica Barrett lives a blissful life in San Francisco. With two kids, a record exec husband and a baby on the way, life is pretty full. But when she finds out that her new baby belongs to the Prince of Darkness, she becomes a demonically possessed beast. Her ex-boyfriend, Dimitri, a Satan worshipper, must sacrifice her child in order to renew his own twisted existence.
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Extra Features:
- Audio commentary with director/producer Ovidio G. Assonitis and Euro-honor historian Nathaniel Thompson, moderated by Lee Christian
- Audio commentary with star Juliet Mills and Hostel producer Scott Spiegel, moderated by Film Scholar Darren Gross & Lee Christian
- Beyond The Door: 35 Years Later featurette with interviews with Ovidio Assonitis, Richard Johnson, Juliet Mills and writer Alex (Incredible Melting Man) Rebar
- An Englishman In Italy: An interview with Richard Johnson