Synopsis: From the hilarious minds of Conan O'Brien and Jonathan Groff comes an off-the-wall comedy about earnest, hard-working CPA Andy Barker (Andy Richter), who has succeeded at everything - that is, until his new accounting business fails to take off. But when he's mistaken for the retired private detective who used to occupy his storefront office, Andy embraces the twist of fate and dives into his new double life, with his quirky strip mall neighbors and relentlessly supportive wife always at this side.
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Extra Features:
- Going Where The Numbers Take You - An intimate look back at the series with Jason Ensler, Jonathan Groff, Tony Hale, Clea Lewis, Marshall Manesh, Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter.
- Writers Class 101 - A look at what it takes to write a series like Andy Barker, P.I. with co-creator Jonathan Groff and writers Josh Bycel, Jae Espenson and Jon Ross.