Synopsis: Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious, humanoid alien known as the Doctor who travels through time and space in his spacecraft, the TARDIS (an acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which normally appears from the exterior to be a blue 1950s British police box. With his companions, he explores time and space, faces a variety of foes and rights wrongs.
There are 82 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
- Audio Commentary by producer Verity Lambert, Peter Purves (Steven Taylor), story editor Donald Tosh and designer Barry Newbery, moderated by Clayton Hickman
- Verity Lambert Obituary: A concise essay looking back at the career of one of Doctor Who's co-creators
- The Lost Twelve Seconds: A small part of Episode Four is still missing, and this short item uses an off-air audio recording and an original script to place the missing 12 seconds in context (1 min.)
- Restoration: Featurette showing the techniques used in the restoration of this story (5 mins.)
- Stripped for Action - The First Doctor: A look back at the First Doctor's colorful comic strip adventures (14 mins.)