Synopsis: Ensemble drama about love and revenge among poor residents of hotel. The movie's main character is a thief, and he is the only one who is treated with kindness by the establishment's landlady, who is in love with him. The thief, however, is in love with the landlady's sister. Based on a play by Gorky.
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Extra Features:
(Les Bas-fonds) Jean Renoir 1936
Introduction to the film by Jean Renoir
A new essay by film scholar Alexander Sesonske, author of Jean Renoir: The French Films 1924-1939
(Donzoko) Akira Kurosawa 1957
Audio commentary featuring Japanese-film expert Donald Richie, author of A Hundred Years of Japanese Film
A 33-minute documentary on The Lower Depths from the series Akira Kurosawa: It Is Wonderful to Create, including interviews with Kurosawa, actress Kyoko Kagawa, art director Yoshiro Muraki, and others
Cast Biographies by Stephen Price, author of The Warriors Camera: The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa
A new essay by authors Keiko McDonald (From Book to Screen: Modern Japanese Literature in Films) and Thomas Rimer (A Reader's Guide to Japanese Literature)