Synopsis: Twisted tale of love and murder in a Mexican border town is considered a stylistic masterpiece by most critics. A must-see for noir lovers, classics buffs, and Welles fans.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 4 additional editions of this movie in other regions
- Bringing Evil To Life: Retrospective documentary on the groundbreaking production of Touch of Evil featuring interviews with Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, crew members and film historians.
- Evil Lost And Found: Go behind-the-scenes of the restoration of Touch of Evil and learn about the various versions of the film.
- Preview Version Feature Commentary with Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh and Restoration Producer Rick Schmidlin
- Restored Version Feature Commentary with Restoration Producer Rick Schmidlin
- Theatrical Version Feature Commentary with Writer/Filmmaker F.X. Feeney
- Preview Version Feature Commentary with Orson Welles Historians Jonathan Rosenbaum and James Naremore
- Orson Welles' Memo Production: See a reproduction of Orson Welles' legendary 58-page memo to Universal after viewing the studio's rough cut of the film.