Synopsis: Pop music superstar Joanna 'JoJo' Levesque (of RV and Aquamarine) stars as out of control blonde teen Hollywood actress Morgan Carter, who goes from red carpet to rehab before being sent to hide out in an Indiana suburb with her Aunt Trudy (Valerie Bertinelli). But as a now-brunette nobody named 'Claudia Miller', Morgan must learn to deal with going from celebrity royalty to being the unpopular new girl in school. Even if she can survive sobriety and senior year, what happens when the paparazzi and the cute boy next door discover her secret? Shenae Grimes of 90210 co-stars in this top rated Lifetime movie about having it all, losing everything and discovering the only thing that really matters.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.