Hart's War
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
WWII courtroom drama about a rich-kid law student who enlists to fight the Nazis, gets captured, and ends up defending a black POW accused of killing a white officer. In the course of preparing his defense, he stumbles upon some shady goings-on involving the camp's highest-ranking officer, an American colonel.
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There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region 2).
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
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1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
(448 kbps) |
2: |
Czech (Ceske) |
(448 kbps) |
3: |
Commentary |
English, English (Hearing Impaired), Swedish (Svenska), Finnish, Norwegian (Norsk), Danish (Dansk), Portuguese, Polish, Czech (Ceske), Greek, Hungarian, Hebrew, English (Hearing Impaired)
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Jack Straw
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