Synopsis: Timmy Turner is an average 10-year old boy who wishes for a perfect life. Unfortunately, he has parents who work full time, like most kids, and while they are out he has an evil babysitter, Icky-with-a-V, who revels in tormenting him. By his side are his constant companions, his Fairy God Parents Cosmo (the idiot) and Wanda (the perfect straight-woman). Hilarity ensues as Timmy wishes himself into--and out of--all sorts of magical situations
There are 9 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Spaced Out
When playing "Crash Nebula," Timmy wishes for an alien to play with. Poof! Soon Timmy's playing with a real alien prince from the planet of Yugopotaimia!
Vicky airs a radio ad campaign and soon she's babysitting all the kids in Dimmsdale over the summer vacation!
This Is Your Wish
Cosmo goes on a game show where the audience gets to decide whether he stays a fairy or goes home to live with his mother!
How To Draw Timmy
Deleted Scenes:
"If I Lived in TV!"
"Puppet Parody"