Synopsis: Eddie Kaye Thomas (Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay), Kip Pardue (The Wizard of Gore, Thirteen) and Josh Cooke (TV's Big Day and Committed) star as twenty-something pals circa 1996 who revisit their small-town roots to attend the funeral of their high school friend Bender. The guys spend a wild weekend reminiscing over football, booze and babes while struggling with one buddy's self-destructive lifestyle, another's seemingly perfect life and the other's humiliating insecurities. Hilariously funny yet genuinely thought-provoking, Wasted is a 90's alt-rock reminder that sometimes the hardest part of growin up is having to let go.
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Extra Features:
- Deleted Scenes (With Optional Director's Commentary)
- Feature Commentary By Director/Co-Writer Matt Oates, Co-Writer Jeremiah Lowder And Actor Josh Cooke
- Still Gallery