Synopsis: Eerie tale of occult unfolds on Scottish island, where police sergeant is examining mysterious disappearance of young girl. Subtle, uneasy horror film is a neglected classic, appeals to genre aficionados.
Alternate Title(s): Anthony Shaffer's The Wicker Man, Wickerman, The
There are 4 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 5 additional editions of this movie in other regions
The Wicker Man Enigma: Featuring Interviews with Stars Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee and Ingrid Pitt, Director Robin Hardy, Producer Peter Snell, Writer Anthony Shaffer, Editor Eric Boyd-Perkins, Art Director Seamus Flannery, Assistant Director Jake Wright, U.S. Distributor John Simon, and Filmmaker Roger Corman
Theatrical Trailer
TV Spot
Radio Spot
Talent Bios
11 Minutes of Additional Rarely Seen Footage
Brand New Audio Commentary with Director Robin Hardy, Actors Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward and Moderator Mark Kermode