Synopsis: A TV reporter (Barbara Bach) and two friends head to Solvang, California, to cover a Danish festival. When a mix-up at the hotel leaves them stranded without hotel rooms, the girls accept the invitation of a friendly museum owner to board at his farmhouse.
But what the women don't know is that something is living in the basement of that farmhouse. Something unspeakable. And their stay soon becomes a horrific nightmare when they encounter the "unseen". From an original story by Stan Winston & Tom Burman, written by Kim Henkel of Texas Chainsaw Massacre fame.
There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region 1).
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Extra Features:
Disc One:
- Audio commentary with producer Tony Unger and star Stephen Furst moderated by Lee Christian
- On-camera interview with co-stars Furst and Doug Barr
- Still gallery
- Original Trailer
- Code Red trailers
Disc Two:
- On-camera interview with make-up effects supervisor Craig Reardon
- On-camera interview with make-up effects legend Tom Burman
- Make-up test slides, sketches and behind-the-scenes stills from Craig Reardon's personal collection