Synopsis: This highly influential cult classic from writer-director Jack Hill (The Switchblade Sisters, Foxy Brown) tells the demented and darkly comic tale of the Merrye children -- Elizabeth (Beverly Washburn), Virginia (Jill Banner) and Ralph (Sid Haig)-- all of who suffer from a rare genetic malady in which they mentally regress to a condition of "pre-human savagery and cannibalism." The children live in the old family mansion, and though under the cautious guardianship of chauffeur Bruno (screen icon Lon Chaney Jr.), they manage to terrorize and kill anyone or anything which passes through the gates. So when the family is visited by a pair of distant relatives and their greedy lawyer, a wild night of murderous thrills ensues.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions