Synopsis: In the midst of investigating his wife's mysterious death, a successful architect comes in contact with a paranormal expert who helps him establish a line to the netherworld via EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon).
HDi Real-Time Interactivity: Instantly access bonus features, navigate through chapters and modify settings, all without interruption to the movie experience.
My Scenes: Bookmark your favorite scenes and create your own movie clips to enjoy at any time, back-to-back or one-by-one.
Terrifying Deleted Scenes with Director's Commentary
Feature Commentary with Director Geoffrey Sax and Michael Keaton
Making Contact: E.V.P. Experts - Discover the stranger history and extraordinary achievements of E.V.P. through the experiences of leading authorities.
Recording The Afterlife At Home: A fascinating and chilling guide to making your own E.V.P recordings!
Hearing Is Believing: Actual E.V.P Sessions - Witness the live filming of chilling, real-life E.V.P. recording sessions!