Synopsis: A legendary seven-hour silent crime serial in ten episodes. "Les Vampires" follows the exploits of a brazen and resourceful band of arch-criminals who rob the rich, transfix the elite of France, and almost elude the obsessive pursuit of crusading journalist Phillipe Guerande and his sidekick Mazamette
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Extra Features:
Insert essay, "The Public Is My Master: Louis Feuillade and Les Vampires" by Fabrice Zagury
For the Children (1916) - 3 minute comedy sketch by the cast and crew of LES VAMPIRES to raise funds for the French war orphans. Directed by Louis Feuillade.
Bout-de-Zan and the Shirker (1916) - 8 minute comedy that features the child actor, Bout-De-Zan, from episode 8 of LES VAMPIRES and is directed by Louis Feuillade.