Synopsis: Sketch comedy show revolves around the Upright Citizens Brigade, an underground organization "with no government ties and unlimited resources" dedicated to creating and monitoring chaos from their secure underground base. The show’s sketches depict chaotic or bizarre events in the world, events which are often directly engineered by the UCB. Another defining feature of the show is a series of real-world pranks, which tied in with the show's theme. Usually run at the end of each episode, these hidden-camera pranks feature the cast (as either the central UCB characters or other characters from that day's episode) interacting with real strangers.
There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Exclusive commentary for pilot episode and the "Time Machine" episode recorded in front of a live audience at the UCB Theater, followed by a Q & A session.
Audio commentary for episodes "The Bucket of Truth", "Power Marketing", "Cyborgs" and "The Little Donnie Foundation.
Alternate audio commentary for the "Little Donny" episode by Little Donny and his parents.
UCB pilot episode
Deleted Scene "Highland Epoxy"
Original live versions of "Little Donny" and the "Andre the Giant" Song