Synopsis: The brainchild of legendary anime producer Masao Maruyama (Tokyo Godfathers), Neo Tokyo showcases the remarkable talents of Rintaro (Metropolis), Yoshiyaki Kawajiri (Ninja Scholl) and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) in three highly individual short films held together by the thread of the fantastic.
Rintaro's Labyrinth Labyrinthos is an elegant fantasy exploring a little girl's impressionable imagination. Kawajiri's The Running Man is an high-octane futuristic thriller revolving around a deadly Formula-1 race. And Otomo's Construction Cancellation Order is a Bradbury-esque allegory speculating on the dangers of man's over-reliance with technology.
Neo Tokyo features the voice talent of Cheryl Chase (Angelica of Rugrats, Mei of My Neighbor Totoro)