Synopsis: We all live in Marshall McLuhan's wake. Fascinated by the role technology played in transforming our lives, one of the twentieth century's most famous intellectuals realized, with stunning accuracy, the impact the digital age would have on our social, spiritual, economic and ideological selves.
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Extra Features:
Interactive Tetrads - exploring technology via McLuhan's Laws of Media
The Descent into The Maelstrom - bonus short animated film of Edgar Allan Poe's story.
Exclusive interviews with Corrine McLuhan, Eric McLuhan, Neil Postman, Lewis Lapham, Edmund Carpenter, Gerald O'Grady, Philip Marchand, Frank Zingrone and Patricia Bruckman
More than an hour of vintage McLuhan audio clips
Gallery featuring photographs of McLuhan and some of his mind-bending aphorisms
Hundreds of pages of printable text, including a McLuhan dossier, director's notes and original shooting script