Synopsis: In an inditement of the British Boys School, we follow Mick and his mostly younger friends through a series of indignities and occasionally abuse as any fond feelings toward these schools are destroyed. When Mick and his friends rebel, violently, the catch phrase, "which side would you be on" becomes quite stark.
Audio commentary featuring film critic and historian David Robinson and actor Malcolm McDowell
A 2003 episode from the Scottish TV series Cast and Crew, featuring McDowell, Ondricek, Rakoff, directors assistant Stephen Frears, producer Michael Medwin, and screenwriter David Sherwin
New video interview with actor Graham Crowden
Thursday's Children (1954), an Academy Award-winning documentary about a school for dead children, directed by Anderson and Guy Brenton and narrated by Richard Burton
A booklet featuring pieces by critic David Ehrenstein, screenwriter David Sherwin, and director Lindsay Anderson